November Newsletter: Storm Cleanup

Storm Cleanup 

Hurricane Ian provided many of us with storm damage, either from wind or water, or both, to our trees, palms and plants.  If you were one of those unfortunate people, here are some things to keep in mind:

  • Plants are slow growing this time of year and recovery will take some time.  Recovery will happen when there is new growth pushing out but nutrition comes from the older growth so don’t be too quick to prune severely.

  • If you had salt water incursion, it will take some time for the salts to flush out from the soil.  This will happen with rain and some time.  Do not over irrigate as too much water can lead to root rot and fugal disease. 

  • Some trees may have blown over or have a significant number of broken limbs. Blown over trees can sometimes be righted but it is no guarantee they will make it again.  Keep an eye on newly righted trees. If a tree received particularly heavy damage, consider having a certified arborist check it out.  Sometimes these trees become dangerous as a result, so having an arborist check them out is wise.