Plant of the Week: Confederate Jasmine

Jasmine is in bloom now and the perfect time to add one to your garden and enjoy the amazing aroma the flowers produce!

Confederate Jasmine is a fast growing vine that grows on tendrils (twining) that does well on trellis, lamp posts, arbors or on chain link fences. It will not grow on masonry without support. Take care planting on trees though, as it may end up in the top of the tree, making it difficult to prune.

In early spring, confederate jasmine produces clusters of small pinwheel shaped white flowers. Despite how small the flowers are, they can add fragrance to the whole yard!

Jasmine grows best in full sun but will do fine in the the partial sun as well. It prefers well drained soil and is extremely drought tolerant. Pruning occasionally will create fullness and branching. Make sure you have sufficient space as jasmine can grow 20 feet high or more if left unchecked. It will grow at least 4 feet or more wide.

Jasmine is slightly salt tolerant and the deer rarely bother it.

Stop by the Garden Center and see how fragrant they are for yourself! Jasmine will be 20% off this week.