Differences in Fertilizers

At Verdego, we use and sell the Nurserymen Sure Gro fertilizer products. We feel these products meet the highest grade standards when it comes to plant fertilization. These products are different than fertilizers sold at big box stores.

A common question:

Why are some fertilizers more costly than others?

There are three main things that make some fertilizers more expensive than others:

1. The product has coated prills that break down slowly over a period of three to four months. They are released by water so they can be sprinkled around the plant material- do not need to be driven into the ground or dug in.

2. Some of the less expensive products only have the Nitrogen portion in slow release whereas the more expensive products have nitrogen, phosphorous or other components that are also slow release.

3. Micronutrients such as manganese, magnesium, copper are all part of the more expensive products, whereas micronutrients are often either not available in cheaper products or only partially.

So if you are going to spend the money on the large palms, trees or landscape, consider using the fertilizer products that will give you the best outcome possible!

Click here to view our Fertilizer products!